Mehmet Giray Öğüt

PhD Candidate, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University


I am a EE PhD candidate at Stanford and consider myself extremely lucky to be advised by Professor Stephen Boyd. My research is on convex optimization with a focus on developing customized solvers.

I completed my bachelors in electrical and electronics engineering at Boğaziçi University, where I was admitted after ranking 1st among ~2 million students in LYS 2016. In undergrad, I worked on early cancer detection with Professor Utkan Demirci. I also got involved in computer vision and foundation models during PhD rotations.


I am very excited to be a TA for Stephen Boyd’s EE364A:Convex Optimization I class this summer! If you are studying the material in the book or in additional exercises please do not hesitate to reach out to me so that we can think together. You can find coding tutorials on CVXPY.

My previous teaching experience at Stanford include:


Papers not related to convex optimization are accessible via Google Scholar. Some of my illustrations have been chosen as journal covers in the past:


You can contact me at if you have any questions.